I like the way some of Evansville’s locally owned restaurants dare to reach beyond the typical burger, fries and pizza offerings to bring interesting food to the table — food worth talking about.

And talk we did when Wess Rose, the executive chef at The Dapper Pig, presented our chocolate tour group with the tenderest cuts of beef dressed with chocolate nib sauce seasoned with a hint of cayenne pepper flakes and other seasonings.
The beautiful beef with its drape of light chocolate sauce was perched on top of creamy hash browns laced with a bit more cayenne and a few spears of roasted asparagus.
The table hushed briefly while we marveled at the unique use of chocolate in a savory dish.

More than half of the dozen people on the chocolate tour had never been to The Dapper Pig before. That fact alone made me happy to share this extraordinary mini meal with them.

We took the new TED trolley back to Franklin Street for the rest of the tour. Everyone was happy
and looking forward to the next stops.

I could barely keep the details to myself about the chocolate delights that I knew awaited us on the rest of the tour! The Kite & Key Cafe always spoils us wonderfully. The Milk & Sugar Scoop Shoppe does, too.
Someone on a recent tour told me that I have a good job. They don't know the half it. I really do!